Don’t get your hopes up, these are just holding pages. While we were redesigning the website, we found several great domain names that will provide the client with huge opportunities in the future to build out niche sites. However, when the time comes to actually build them, we want to have an easier time getting them ranked on the major search engines. New domain names are more difficult to rank so we figured it would be a good idea to go ahead and get something up for the time being. Now Google sees that there’s a site out there so the domains can begin building trust and essentially start the clock on the Google Sandbox.

Here are links to each of the pages:
Crank Lights
Red Flashlight
Green LED flashlights
Astronomy Flashlights

Why would we post links to such poor examples of our work?  Afterall, you might look at those and think, “Boy these guys suck.”  Remember these are just quick temporary pages designed to start the clock on the domain names so that Google will rank the actual sites more easily once we actual design them, months from now.  But why would we link to them?  So that Google can find them and see that other sites are willing to link to them.  If Google sees a trusted site like ours links to them that acts as a vote of confidence for the new site.  Google knows that Red Rocket’s site has been around for almost 10 years so they trust us.  If we link to these new domains, Google will likely think that they’re worthy sites.  That helps to rank them better too.

Have a great weekend!

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