The test of a first-rate work is that you finish it. If you work for an SEO Company or any company, the practice should be  the same.

The Brooklyn Bridge, which links Brooklyn to Manhattan Island is one of the most famous bridges in the world. At the time, it was the first conceived bridge in 1883, the man that designed the bridge and who was the creative engineer was John Roebling. Many people told him that his idea would not work.

Roebling convinced his son, who was also an engineer that his idea had merit. The two of them developed the concept, resolved the problems and enthusiastically hired a crew to build their bridge.

After two months of building the bridge,  a tragic accident took John Roebling’s life and his son was seriously injured,  he could not talk or walk.  Everyone thought the project would have to be stopped since the Roeblings were the only ones who knew the dynamics of building the Brooklyn bridge.

But Roebling’s son could still think, and he had a burning desire to see the bridge finished. As he lay in the hospital bed, he had an idea, he would communicate with the engineers by using one finger to tap out codes on his wife’s arm of  what he wanted her to tell the engineers. He did this for 13 years until the bridge was built.
To be efficient in business and practice successful leadership in any  project, it is always good practice to start what you finish.

Leaders are not only self-starts, they are finishers.

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