Internet Marketing in Denver: Blogging Your Way to the Top

If you’ve been hearing a lot about Internet Marketing in Denver lately, you’re not alone. Everywhere you turn you’re probably hearing your friends and colleagues talking about blogging and Twitter and all of the other ways that Internet Marketing can promote your business. This morning we’re going to address blogging and how you can use it as the cornerstone of your Internet Marketing campaign.

Let’s start by defining a blog. Blog was first introduced a couple years ago. I remember running across the term in a glossary at Barnes and Noble. It was simply defined as a contraction combining the words “web” and “log.” However, over the past few years, the word has become an acronym for Better Listings On Google. And boy is that an accurate description. Google loves blogs. They love to see fresh, new content. And blogs are such an easy way to add new content to your site. Old content is outdated content that people need not read so if you can promise yourself that you’re going to blog at least 3 times a week, I guarantee you’ll see the rewards. Not only will Google have more pages on your site to index and list in their results, they’ll also see that every time they visit your site, there’s new stuff. That makes them want to come back sooner next time. After just a couple visits to your site, Google will begin to see the trend and you’ll find that new content is found on Google within minutes of posting it. Google will literally be waiting with baited-breath for you to post new stuff. As soon as you do, you’ll be able to find in on their site. And that means that you can post a timely news article and it will be found right away rather than waiting for months for Google to find it. Once you achieve that kind of status, Google will treat your site differently. You’ll be loved by them, like the love CNN or MSNBC. After all, Google is in the business of organizing content and the more you give them the more they like you and the more likely you may see your content at the top of the Google’s search results.

Chadd Bryant:

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