I remember a story about a guy who would buy a car in the newspaper and then he’d turn around and sell the car the next weekend for a nice profit.  You see, he’d buy the car, run some newspaper ads and when people would call asking to see the car, he’d tell all of the people to show up Saturday morning at 10:00 a.m.  Sometimes 3 or 4 people would all show up at the same time and rather than taking their time to evaluate the vehicle, test drive it and look under the hood, they’d feel pressured to move quickly or else one of the other people looking over the car would grab it out from under them.  Knowing that there were potentially 2 or 3 other people that were interested in the car, the buyers would often offer more than the asking price just so they could grab it before someone else did.  He did this week after week and made a handsome living doing it.

The reason this worked so well was because of the law of supply and demand.  Anytime you have multiple people vying for the same thing, it will go up in value.  He’d buy the car one week earlier when there was no demand.  He was the only one that showed up for the car so he’d negotiate a good price.  Then he’d add scarcity by intentionally scheduling people to show up at the same time.  All he did was add demand for the product and it sold for many hundreds or thousands more, just a week later.  How can you add demand for your service or product?  This is a great question that can help you to increase your prices and keep yourself busy even when your competition is slow.  Try to apply this simple principle to your website design and see what happens.  Hope that helps.


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