The #1 Best Voice Mail Greeting Ever.

My good friend Carl is an excellent consultant who has a personality that’s bigger than life. Everything about Carl is genuine including his voice mail greeting. We’ve all heard the typical voice mail greeting a million times. You know the one. “Hi. This is Chadd. I’m sorry I can’t take your call right now but if you’ll leave your name and number, I’ll call you back as soon as I can.” Did we all get the same memo telling us what to say?

Apparently, Carl missed that memo. His greeting sounds more like this. “Hi. This is Carl. I’m sorry I didn’t get your call, but if you’ll leave a message, I return calls within 90 minutes. Check your watch.”

Wow! In an age where people often disappoint, in that one tiny sentence, he set himself up to wow you by keeping a promise. How many times do you get a chance to make an impression on someone that’s that memorable? One of the keys to building trust is to keep your promises. So, go ahead, make some promises so you have the opportunity to deliver on them.


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