5 trends from (web) days gone by

Sad to say, we’ve probably all done it.

“Done what?”, you ask. You know. Labored over a web design and then proudly presented it to a client and then took a victory lap when they signed off and paid only to look back on the project a few years later and say, “what in the world was I thinking?!”

Sad isn’t it? Yet sometimes we can’t help ourselves. We’ll start with a very simple web design and then add a drop shadow over here and a drop shadow over there. We may even lay down a generous helping of gradients and then cover with some beveled effect to taste. So what right? It’s the latest trend in web design. But just like the weather, trends come and go.

Here’s a neat little list of 5 design trends that have seemed to have come and gone.

Or have they????

Chadd Bryant:

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